The Early Childhood Programs are an integral part of Forest Lake Area Schools (FLAS). We work together to assure that children transition smoothly into kindergarten.
The program offers before and after school childcare, non-school days (NSD) and summer childcare. Fees are listed in the current fee schedule online. The program opens at 6am and closes at 6pm.
Turn Minecraft from a game into a visual learning tool! Collaborate to create your own themed adventure maps. This class strongly emphasizes creativity, exploration, and cooperative learning experiences. While immersed in Minecraft’s fun and creative world, students will learn about programming and game design concepts. We will be using the PC/Java edition of Minecraft. Students should have basic reading skills and be comfortable using a computer. Bring a USB drive to save your games on the last day. Minecraft is a Mojang Studios trademark. This camp is not affiliated with them. Bring a beverage and a nut free snack.
Tech Academy