The Early Childhood Programs are an integral part of Forest Lake Area Schools (FLAS). We work together to assure that children transition smoothly into kindergarten.
The program offers before and after school childcare, non-school days (NSD) and summer childcare. Fees are listed in the current fee schedule online. The program opens at 6am and closes at 6pm.
Step into the exciting world of pickleball with TGA (Teach. Grow. Achieve.) where the fun never stops! Pickleball combines the fast-paced thrill of tennis with the accessibility of a game suitable for all ages. Students will learn the fundamentals using top-quality equipment provided. Games, drills and matches will help students sharpen their pickleball skills and engage with academic concepts that bring the game's strategies to life. We emphasize sportsmanship, integrity and perseverance to create a nurturing environment where students will receive individualized attention tailored to their skill level and progress.
TGA (Teach. Grow. Achieve.)
No Class Feb 18 & Mar 4
Online registration is over