The Early Childhood Programs are an integral part of Forest Lake Area Schools (FLAS). We work together to assure that children transition smoothly into kindergarten.
The program offers before and after school childcare, non-school days (NSD) and summer childcare. Fees are listed in the current fee schedule online. The program opens at 6am and closes at 6pm.
This camp will cover all aspects of the game from technical to tactical. Each day will consist of a new theme (grips, footwork, offense/defense, singles/doubles strategy and sportsmanship), proper technique and grips for a variety of strokes like groundstrokes (underspin/topspin), volleys, lobs, overheads, approach shots, serves, returns, blocks and drop shots. Coaches will use a mix of closed and open drills, allowing for students to improve strokes and apply what they’ve learned through play. Games, competitive play, and skits round out this camp to ensure it’s a fun time for all! Participants should wear sport appropriate clothing and shoes, bring two nut/peanut free snacks, sunscreen and a bottle of water every day.
1649-SU25A - Upper JV/Varsity: 3+ years experience
1649-SU25B - Beginner/B-Squad/Lower JV: 0-3 years experience
1649-SU25C - Upper JV/Varsity: 3+ years experience
1649-SU25D - Beginner/B-Squad/Lower JV: 0-3 years experience
If you have any questions, please contact Melanie at 651-982-8392 or
Violet Lee Shortly